If you’re looking to grow your digital reach and reap a perennial online harvest, then our monthly retainer package offers the best value to achieve your goals.

Openseed’s monthly retainer package ensures your business remains current in a changing digital world.

We use our insight to utilise the most effective marketing strategies and trends that suit your specific business, building your online presence in a targeted and effective manner over time.

How the monthly retainer package works

The benefit of a monthly retainer package is that it allows us to direct attention at priority areas to build your brand and hone your marketing message.

Our monthly retainer packages are conducted on a six or 12-month plan that is based on your marketing strategy.

That means we can focus on the areas that matter most to building your online presence at any given time, including branding, website building, content creation via video, blogs and social media, or email marketing.

It also allows you control over what marketing you want, when. So, if you’d rather a web banner for a specific promotion than a blog post this month, we can easily make that happen at no extra cost.

We keep you abreast of progress with a monthly statement of activity that outlines exactly what we have done and the results we have achieved.

It’s all about strategy

At Openseed we’re all about growing your brand to reap results consistently and effectively, and our strategy is two-fold. First we sew the seeds, then we nurture them and continually increase the harvest.

Openseed’s monthly retainer package ensures your business remains current in a changing digital world.

Read more about our twofolded approach:

1) Sewing the seeds - In this arena we focus on short-term advertising and engagement for immediate results that drive sales. It’s about getting your brand “out there”. We take the time to create a carefully thought-out branding campaign, then allocate a small portion of your proposed advertising budget to pay for advertising on external channels and media. Like a test run, we’re putting theory into practice by targeting the places that your current and future customers reside in order to generate traffic and leads. This process is backed by research, analytics and campaign tweaking, and we’re looking to really understand what works for you depending on your business, budget and audience. It ensures we know precisely where your consumers are, what they’re interested in and what prompts them to connect with you. When we truly understand what works, we will advise on audiences, media planning and distribution channels, tools, and advertising spends. Finally, we apply your advertising budget in the right place at the right time for the right audience to achieve maximum “bang for your buck”.

2) Tending the harvest - Strategy 2 is all about the long game in a complex digital world, and this is the area where we truly come into our own. We’re looking at all areas of your marketing with a focus on consistently building your brand through search engine optimisation, email marketing, content creation and general brand recognition. In this space we’re working on the marketing territory that you own, like your website, client list, and social media profiles. We ensure your website is easily found and targets the keywords your potential customers are searching for. We create great content that captures new clients and engages them across your site and social media, therefore further building website ranking, email lists and brand recognition. We keep your business front of mind with email marketing that utilises your content and further engages your community. And so it grows, with your reach, profile, recognition and ultimately, sales rewards, increasing organically and exponentially over time. The biggest impact of this strategy is within 12 to 24 months as the seeds that you sew now come to fruition via traffic and leads. And like any good crop, if you keep tending it, it will increase, mature and offer a greater return year upon year. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now." Chinese Proverb

Openseed’s monthly retainer package ensures your business remains current in a changing digital world.

Plant the Seed

Ideal for small-to-medium businesses looking to get started with branding and inbound marketing at a steady and sustainable pace.

Typically made for businesses with conscious budgets who are looking for steady traffic and lead generation growth. Businesses that opt for this package are willing to dedicate their internal resources to content creation whereby Openseed provides guidance and direction. We will define and enhance your brand, develop and launch a marketing strategy, provide engaging guidance and optimize your results.

35 hours per month*
  • Marketing Strategy, Planning + Setup
  • Branding and Buyer Personas
  • Marketing Automation Software and Management
  • Website Optimisation for Search Engine Rankings
  • Website Maintenance and Support
  • 4 Blogs per month
  • Social Media Engagement and 3 posts per week
  • 1 Email Marketing Campaign per month
  • 1 Smart Call-To-Action + Landing Page per quarter
  • Marketing Analytics and Reporting
* Minimum 6 month commitment.

Sprout and Shout

Focused on small-to-medium businesses ready to ramp up their branding and inbound marketing to generate increased web traffic, leads, and customers.

Typically made for businesses that have a budget for a full-service marketing partner who will be accountable to achieve their marketing goals and ROI. Businesses that opt for this package are committed to growing via inbound, and want to see results quickly. It is perfect for businesses that want a full-funnel inbound service that converts traffic to leads, and leads to customers.

50 hours per month*
  • Marketing Strategy, Planning + Setup
  • Branding and Buyer Personas
  • Marketing Automation Software and Management
  • Website Optimisation for Search Engine Rankings
  • Website Maintenance and Support
  • 6 Blogs per month
  • Social Media Engagement and 5 posts per week
  • 2 Email Marketing Campaign per month
  • 2 Smart Call-To-Action + Landing Page per quarter
  • Marketing Analytics and Reporting
* Minimum 6 month commitment.

Heavy Harvest

Focused on medium-to-large businesses with aggressive marketing goals and eager to fully integrate branding and inbound marketing with all their sales and marketing.

Typically made for businesses with increased dedicated budgets for a full-service marketing partner who will be fully accountable to achieve their marketing goals and ROI. This package is suited for businesses that want to generate aggressive traffic quickly, drive leads, and work closely with us to convert sales to leads and continually keep customers engaged with their brand.

80 hours per month*
  • Marketing Strategy, Planning + Setup
  • Branding and Buyer Personas
  • Marketing Automation Software and Management
  • Website Optimisation for Search Engine Rankings
  • Website Maintenance and Support
  • 10 Blogs per month
  • Social Media Engagement and 10 posts per week
  • 3 Email Marketing Campaign per month
  • 3 Smart Call-To-Action + Landing Page per quarter
  • Marketing Analytics and Reporting
* Minimum 6 month commitment.

Become Our Client

We will always be available, and continually thinking about keeping Your business ahead digitally and executing what’s best for your business. Contact Us

See our full list of services (click to expand).

Generating Traffic

  • Social media publishing and promotion
  • On-page SEO for website and blog articles
  • Blog articles
  • Off-page SEO (link building and local SEO)
  • PPC Management
  • Visual content creation and marketing (infographs, slideshows, videos etc)
  • Press release marketing
  • Blogger outreach
  • Paid social media advertising
  • Influencer marketing campaigns
  • Display advertising

Converting Visitors to Leads

  • Call-to-action and landing page
  • e-book
  • Whitepaper
  • Guides
  • Remarketing
  • Case studies
  • Checklists and other downloads
  • Custom thank you pages
  • Targeted outreach

Converting Leads to Sales Opportunities

  • EDM
  • Webinars
  • Vlog
  • Smart content mapped to buying cycle
  • e-newsletter
  • Conversion optimisation
  • Video marketing
  • Sales enablement (pitch and sales calls)
  • A/B landing page testing
  • Workflows
  • CRM Integration
  • Email nurturing sequences

Strategy and Continuous Improvement

  • Dedicated marketing consultant
  • Marketing strategy and planning
  • Marketing analytics and reporting
  • Buyer persona profiles
  • Lead nurturing workflow
  • Website support and maintenance
  • Monthly ROI assessment
  • Keyword analysis
  • Content calender strategy
  • Setup and customisation of social media accounts
  • Creative direction and strategies
  • Lead management and segmentation
  • CRM setup and integration
  • Competitor and industry analysis
  • Tracking of brand mentions
  • Lead scoring and qualification
  • Brand development
  • Google Analytics dashboard and analytics
  • Graphic design
  • Web development
  • Web design refresh
  • Hubspot management

Additional Services (not included in monthly retainer)

  • TV advertising
  • Radio advertising
  • Native digital advertising
  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Advertising
  • Programattic advertising

Our Work


Advertising, Marketing, Website


Advertising, Branding, Marketing, Website


Advertising, Marketing, Website

Our Services

Ensure your business is always digitally up-to-date, secure, and always converting!

See our Services

Contact Us

We see what your business could be. The world needs to see it too!

Contact us today

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